We are still looking for 3 adults to run the chains at the Varsity football games. They are the best seats in the house and you get paid!!! If you are interested, please contact Mr. Everett for more details! meverett@leverettschapelisd.net 903-834-3181
about 3 years ago, LC JH/HS
A couple sports updates from LC for today: 1. Our HS football game that was scheduled to be played tomorrow afternoon (Saturday) against Fannindel has been cancelled. Fannindel called us this week to let us know they have had to cancel the game. For this reason, there will be no pep rally today as well. 2. Our Lady Lions volleyball team will play their first district match this afternoon against Union Grove. The game will be played here and will get started at 4:30. Good luck to our Lady Lions.
about 3 years ago, LC ISD
Our JH volleyball team will have a match this afternoon at Overton. The start time has moved up to 4:00 PM. If you were planning to go, we just wanted to remind you of the new start time. Good luck to our JH Lady Lions.
about 3 years ago, LC ISD
COVID-19 Update as of 9-8-2021 The following positive case has been reported to us as of today's date: 1. A parent of a high school student called and notified the school today that their child tested positive outside of school today. The student was last at school as of yesterday, September 7th. We have contacted anyone today who may have been considered a close contact of this student. It is a parent’s choice to keep their child home if they been notified as a close contact.
about 3 years ago, LC ISD
COVID-19 Update as of 9-7-2021 The following positive cases have been reported to us as of today's date: 1. A parent of an elementary student called and notified the school today that their child tested positive since we have been out as of last Tuesday. This student was last at school on Friday, August 27th. 2. A parent of a JH student called and notified the school today that their child tested positive since we have been out as of last Tuesday. This student was last at school on Friday, August 20th.
about 3 years ago, LC ISD
COVID-19 Update as of 8-30-2021 The following positive case has been reported to us as of today's date: 1. One JH faculty member notified the school late in the day on Friday, August 27, to inform us that this faculty member had tested positive earlier in the day. This JH faculty member was last at school on Wednesday, August 25th.
about 3 years ago, LC ISD
Please read the following letter in regard to the school closure for the remainder of this week.
about 3 years ago, LC ISD
COVID Letter
LC Community, We have had some faculty members call in this morning who are out with COVID-related reasons. It is getting more difficult for us to get all the classes covered. For that reason, we will be doing a 12:30 early release today from school. Buses will run early today as well. We are also looking at doing a school closure the rest of the week (Tues- Mon). Next Monday will be a school holiday for Labor Day. Look for an official notice/letter to go out later today over Facebook with the decision. Josh Johnson Superintendent
about 3 years ago, LC ISD
Please click the link below to see how COVID numbers for the year through 8-27-21: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jta3CqIucfaBten-KhP5irgtd73bSIkvckYNLRFkkmU/edit?usp=sharing
about 3 years ago, LC ISD
COVID-19 Update as of 8-27-21 The following positive case has been reported to us as of today's date: 1. One elementary faculty member tested positive today. This faculty member was last on campus as of yesterday, 8-26-21.
about 3 years ago, LC ISD
COVID-19 Update as of 8-26-2021 The following positive cases have been reported to us as of today's date: 1. A parent of two elementary students notified the school today letting us know her children tested positive while at home today. Those students have not been at school since 8-20-21. 2. One JH student tested positive this morning and was sent home immediately. This student was on campus for a full day as of yesterday, 8-25-21. 3. A parent of a JH student notified the school today letting us know her child tested positive yesterday. This student has not been at school since 8-20-21. 4. One JH student tested positive today and was sent home immediately today. This student was on campus as of today's date. 5. A faculty member came in this morning not feeling well and was immediately tested here at school. This faculty member tested positive and was sent home before school started. This faculty member was last on campus for a full day as of yesterday. We have contacted anyone today who may have been considered a close contact of any of these individuals. It is a parent's choice to keep their child home if they have been notified as a close contact of any of these individuals. If any of these close contact students are siblings to those students who test positive or live in the same household of those faculty members who test positive, we ask that those students remain home as well and follow CDC guidelines.
about 3 years ago, LC ISD
Leverett's chapel Booster Club will be selling 2 Generic shirt and the volleyball shirt. Order form are being sent home with the students. All shirts will be $15. Please have your order in by Friday, August 27th. Shirt have to be Pre-paid before ordering. Please turn in to either Campus Secretary. If you have any questions, you can contact Carmen Chavez @ 903-834-3181.
about 3 years ago, Carmen Chavez
LC #1
HS Volleyball
Today, Leverett's Chapel ISD had a high school student test positive for COVID-19. The student was on campus this morning but was sent home once we learned of the positive case. The district has contacted all individuals who were in close contact with the student. If your child is experiencing any symptoms please keep them and any siblings home until they have a negative COVID test.
about 3 years ago, LC JH/HS
Varsity Football Game Changes: September 3rd, Tyler HEAT @ LC has been changed to September 4th at 10:00 a.m. September 10th, Fannindel @ LC has been changed to September 11th at 2:00 p.m.
about 3 years ago, LC JH/HS
We have been notified by a parent that an elementary student has tested positive for COVID. We have contacted anyone who was in close contact with the student. The student was on campus yesterday, but is not here today. If your child is experiencing any symptoms and has sibling please keep them home as well until you have a negative COVID test.
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Gough
Varsity and JV will play in the West Rusk Tournament. Varsity Thursday and Saturday and JV Friday and Saturday. Thursday Varsity plays at 2,4,6 Friday JV plays at 12, 1
about 3 years ago, Coach Raibon
The Volleyball game has been moved to the Middle school and all tickets need to be purchased online. JV will play at 4:30 and Varsity to follow. https://schooleventticketslogin.com/profile/user_profile/gladewater-isd
about 3 years ago, Coach Raibon
Varsity will be playing at 10 in the silver bracket of Central Heights Tournament.
about 3 years ago, Coach Raibon
Monday, August 16th will be the fist day of school for the students. We are all very excited to see them once again. As reminder, masks are encouraged to wear to school every day but they are not required. Monday will also be an early release day for the staff and the students. The school day will end at 12:30. Buses will run early Monday afternoon. Tuesday, August 17th, will be a normal full-day of school.
about 3 years ago, LC ISD
Reminder: All 7th graders need their 12 year shots (Tdap and Meningococcal). I need an updated shot record.
about 3 years ago, Amy Hawkins